Manhattan Beach Invisalign Teen Provider

Invisalign Teen - Manhattan Beach CAInvisalign Teen ® takes a modern approach to straightening teeth. With a series of clear aligners that gradually straighten your teeth, Invisalign Teen is comfortable, affordable and effective.

Now without brackets and wires, you’ll have the confidence of a great smile even during treatment. They are also removable so you can take them out to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing and regularly cleaning your aligners.

Invisalign Teen – The Clear Choice for Every Teenager

Each clear aligner also comes with a small, inconspicuous Blue Dot Wear Indicator, which helps you know if you’re ready for your next set of aligners.

Invisalign Teen is the clear alternative to conventional braces. They are clear, comfortable and best of all it’s almost invisible – so no-one will know you have them on.

Young lady smiling broadly

platinum+ invisalign providerWhat You and Your Parents Need to Know about Invisalign Teen

Invisalign Teen Premier Platinum ProviderAs a teenager you have a lot on your mind, so if you accidentally loose your aligners you can get up to 6 replacements from your orthodontist. Find out why Invisalign Teen are better than braces and take the free self assessment here.

Contact Beach Braces to see if you qualify for Invisalign Teen and to schedule your free orthodontic consultation by clicking here today!

Patricia J. Panucci DmD, MS • Specialist in Orthodontics For Children and Adults in Southern California

Invisalign Teen Manhattan Beach