The VPro+ product logo.For patients that want the ultimate in cutting-edge orthodontic treatment, this is the right combination for you. If you would like the absolute quickest way that you can straighten and align your teeth today, it has to be Invisalign with VPro.


platinum+ invisalign providerInvisalign are clear aligners that work just the same way as braces without all of the restrictions that you generally receive from braces. Patients can receive straight teeth without anybody noticing that they have any orthodontic appliances on.

Invisalign is created to be nearly invisible on a patient’s teeth and because they are removable a patient can remove them at meal times to enjoy a non-restrictive diet throughout treatment.

With all of these cosmetic advantages Invisalign also allows for one of the most efficient forms of treatment with an orthodontic appliance today. Invisalign wearers will change out there aligners over the course of their treatment.

This will work to gradually move teeth into position with less adjustments to an orthodontic appliance and less orthodontic visits to check on progress. Because of these advantages Invisalign users can usually cut a few weeks to even a few months off of the length of their orthodontic treatment versus traditional braces.

The VPro+ product.6 Month Smiles with VPro

When coupled with VPro Invisalign users can enjoy an even shorter treatment span. VPro is a treatment that patients will utilize for 20 minutes each and every day. A special mouthguard is created and attached to the VPro device.

By inserting the mouthpiece and device around an orthodontic appliance in their mouth each day and then activating the device, patients can send soft pulses through their teeth to move them into position gradually. These micro-pulses were to cut the length of treatment effectively in half and this is been proven in clinical trials.

Invisalign with VPro

With these two systems together patients can enjoy beautifully straight teeth in sometimes just one year, depending on the severity of their condition. For patients who simply want their treatment done and over with and would like the perfect smile, using Invisalign and VPro together is the ultimate package for efficient orthodontic treatment.

Call our office today to schedule your complimentary consultation on 310 379 0006.

Invisalign with VPro