February: The Month Dedicated to Children’s Oral Care
Last Updated on May 18, 2019 by Gio Greenard
Children’s Dental Health Month: February
Children’s dental health month is organized by the ADA (American Dental Association) every February to help raise awareness about the importance of oral health especially when it comes to children. During children’s dental health month Beach Braces will be working to promote the idea of bringing children into our offices to have their health evaluated at an early age so that we can provide families with the greatest number of treatment options for any oral health condition.
The best time to get your children an initial orthodontic appointment is around the age of seven years old. At seven years of age adult teeth will begin to impact and make their way through your child’s jaw line to give an orthodontist a better picture of the way his/her teeth might impact and eventually set in place. Orthodontist can get initial x-rays as well as develop a treatment plan that can leave your child with their ideal smile. At this early age something as simple as taking out a few teeth could be all that your child needs to guide their progress and ensure that teeth impact correctly and create the formation for a perfect smile. Early treatment is the best way that parents can save hassle down the road.
Children’s dental health month is not only just about reminding children to floss, clean and keep up regular dental appointments. Children’s dental health month includes overall oral health and providing solutions to children who struggle with everyday tasks like chewing, speaking and breathing because of their oral health. Getting kids who struggle with these issues into our offices is the best way that we can provide them with solutions that can shape their future and improve their confidence and quality of life. We help children every day to experience issues with speech, chewing and confidence and have flexible treatment options to suit any budget and lifestyle.
On our website you can find a wide array of information about how you can help your children better care for their oral health. From cleaning tips to special instructions for children who are undergoing orthodontic treatment, we were to increase awareness of various oral health concerns not only just in February but the entire year round.
Children’s dental health month is important for us to promote, this campaign runs every year and is extremely beneficial to kids as we work directly with parents, other dental professionals, healthcare providers and teachers and caregivers as well. This means that children are not only learning about how they can better care for their oral health in our offices and at home but also in their own schools as well. On the ADA website educators and parents can find some great planning and instruction packages that they can use to help their kids learn how to improve their oral health to enjoy brighter smiles with less concern.
For more information on children’s dental health month or to schedule your child’s first orthodontic appointment contact beach braces today.
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.
February: The month Dedicated to Children’s Oral Care
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Dr Patti Panucci attended the University of Louisville School of Dentistry for four years, where she graduated with a DMD degree (May 2000) among the Top 10 in her class. Following that, she headed west to Los Angeles to complete her three-year residency at one of the top-ranked orthodontic programs in the country – the University of Southern California.
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