electric toothbrush

Manual or Electric Toothbrush With Braces

Last Updated on February 22, 2022 by Gio Greenard

For orthodontic patients, an electric toothbrush can be more effective than a manual one at removing plaque. One study found that the American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics reported greater removal with electric over traditional brushing methods. In their article they compared these two types of brushes for oral hygiene maintenance. In this post we’ll answer your question – Manual or electric toothbrush for braces? Let’s get cracking.

Brushing 101

Brushing your teeth is a necessary activity for anyone with braces. It can be really difficult to get everything and you want the best results possible! You’ll need an electric toothbrush, soft-bristled brush, or some other type of gentle brushing implement that will help clean all around those brackets without hurting them too much so they don’t shift out their proper place.


  • Fluoride toothpaste and a soft, round-bristled brush are the keys to preventing cavities. 
  • Be sure to brush at least three times each day: after breakfast, dinner, and before bedtime. 
  • Brush your teeth gently but firmly for 2 minutes or until you see bubbles from all surfaces of your teeth.
  • Make it an extra point to replace any old toothbrushes that show signs of wear

When we think about brushing our teeth, most of us have a pretty clear idea in mind. We want to get rid of the cavities and plaque that cause tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath or any other oral health problems. That’s why it is important for you to brush your teeth at least twice per day with an electric toothbrush.  

By using one instead of relying on manual brushes like before now will help you achieve better results since they are designed specifically for this task-the bristles reach deeper into each crevice while rotating clockwise which helps them scrub away more bacteria than normal brushes can do alone.

Advantages of Electric Toothbrushes

A study conducted by the University of Nebraska Medical Center showed that electric toothbrushes remove significantly more plaque and do a better overall job than manual brushes. In fact, top models on the market may have up to 2x higher total plaque removal compared with conventional brushing.

What makes these tools so effective? The answer lies in how they clean your teeth. Unlike mechanical or manual toothbrush heads which move back and forth, rotating head bristles are able to reach hard places like between molars where bacteria can hide out from normal cleaning motions. 

A bubbling action helps loosen food particles trapped under gum tissue while providing an intense massage for gums soothing soreness naturally without even having to apply any pressure at all.

A More Effective Cleaning

With a battery-powered toothbrush, you have the ability to thoroughly clean your teeth and mouth without relying on elbow grease. The electric brush can reach hard-to-get areas such as those that are between braces or under fillings much easier than with any other type of cleaner. Most models produce thousands of movements per minute in order for all parts get an equally thorough cleaning.

Electric powered brushes provide deeper and more effective cleaning by reaching nooks where others cannot go. Around brackets from braces treatment or underneath fillings. These devices use many moving parts which create enough power to make sure every part gets cleaned, and evenly too.

Multiple Settings

Some electric toothbrushes come with a variety of smart features built in, such as customized cleaning modes. These specialized modes are designed to do anything from removing stains and whitening teeth to more delicate tasks like tongue brushing or sensitive mode for those who have sensitivities when it comes to their gums.


The 2 minute timer on an electric toothbrush is a great way to make sure you are brushing your teeth for the full recommended time of two minutes. A manual brush can be tough to measure, but with this handy feature, it’s easy.

How to Choose an Electric Toothbrush

Battery Powered

The battery-powered toothbrush is a perfect addition to any dental routine. Its handheld and lightweight design makes it easy for anyone to brush their teeth from the comfort of home, without having to lug around that heavy manual toothbrush anymore. 

The innovation lies in its spinning or pulsating bristles which put extra power behind your brushing technique while still requiring you do some work on your own too! Plus, many models have replaceable heads so you can change out when they wear down – all while keeping the same base powered by an AA or AAA battery.


Rechargeable toothbrushes are the way to go. The power of these brushes provides all the brushing needed, so it’s not necessary for them to be replaced with new batteries every few weeks like some other types might require. 

Recharging is usually done through a base that plugs into an outlet and will often offer many high-tech options such as timers, pressure sensors or replacement reminders. Features which may not come standard on traditional manual models but could have their benefits too. However, there are no wrong choices when selecting a brush type. Everyone has different preferences depending on habits and lifestyles. 


Oral health need not be hard with the right tools. Visiting an expert will help you understand what you can do to to keep away nasties during treatment. Dr. Panucci and all at Beach Braces have the experience and dedication to give you and your child the best possible service. If you have any further questions you can contact us by clicking here. 

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