One who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger.
As we get older, our teeth can shift around, and suddenly that killer smile you’ve always had is not so perfect now. If your teeth are slightly misaligned, you could improve them with a modern quick fix. That’s the beauty of wearing clear, plastic braces; you don’t need surgery, they straighten teeth fast and allow you to eat the gooey-ist, nuttiest piece of candy.
Invisalign to the Rescue
The old-fashioned pair still exist with metal wires and brackets unattractively fastened to your teeth. They are not always comfortable and come with several rules and restrictions. A highly skilled orthodontist can determine if you are a candidate for clear, plastic aligners. These look attractive, because they are barely noticeable and don’t call unnecessary attention to you. They straighten teeth faster than the metal kind and let you resume normal living without having to abstain from this or that. Ladies, you can also freely wear lipstick and gloss with clear braces.
Worthy Beauty Investment
You deserve to be good to yourself and stay healthy, and investing in the Invisalign system is an intelligent choice for your future. Straight teeth and a radiant smile are the gifts that keep on giving, year after year. In addition, a new smile allows you to look more youthful. Christie Brinkley and Julia Roberts are two stars known for their effervescent smiles and perfect teeth. Christie is 62 and Julia is 48, which proves that a great, natural smile knows no age.
An Orthodontist Has Expert Advice
Make sure you visit an Invisalign specialist like Patricia J. Panucci of Manhattan Beach Orthodontics. She possesses great skill and knowledge along with a compassionate nature. She offers a complimentary consultation. She will give you a thorough evaluation and help you achieve a new and improved smile with perfectly straight teeth. Schedule an appointment today!
Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.
One who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger.
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Dr Patti Panucci attended the University of Louisville School of Dentistry for four years, where she graduated with a DMD degree (May 2000) among the Top 10 in her class. Following that, she headed west to Los Angeles to complete her three-year residency at one of the top-ranked orthodontic programs in the country – the University of Southern California.
Along with her certificate in orthodontics, Dr. Panucci earned a master’s degree in craniofacial biology. During those three years, she fell in love with Southern California beach life and decided that this was where her future lay.