
Confident About Invisalign | 5 REASONS WHY WE LOVE IT

People who have misalignment issues with their teeth can feel self-conscious. All you need to do is see an orthodontist who is confident about Invisalign. Clear aligners are well proven as effective teeth straighteners. In this post, you’ll get a quick overview of the latest in orthodontic treatment. Let’s get going.

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What Is Invisalign? | How Does It Work? (Updated)

Many people have misaligned teeth. This can have a negative impact on their smile, self-confidence and more. Traditional braces mean experiencing discomfort and mouth sores. Avoidance was the main aim until Invisalign became a popular treatment. Invisalign is a method of straightening teeth. Done with removable virtually invisible aligners. Each aligner fits a person’s individual dental situation. Replaced every two weeks, relocating teeth to the desired final position. In this post, we’ll show you what Invisalign is and does.

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Getting Braces on Upper Teeth Only (EASY READ FACTS)

Patients at our dental clinic often ask, “Is it possible to have braces on upper teeth only?” This can be a significant decrease in costs and discomfort if it is possible. It is common for people to wear braces or Invisalign products for years before obtaining the desired results. While we understand the validity of your concerns, when you feel that your lower teeth are relatively straight and do not have significant gaps, the reality is that this single arch orthodontic treatment is difficult to assess without years of experience. In this article, we’ll show you all about braces on upper teeth only. Let’s get cracking.
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Are Lingual Braces Painful? (7 Expert Answers)

Are lingual braces painful? Your choice to get braces is one of the most effective ways to improve the appearance of your smile. Yet, you may be worried about what it feels like to have brackets and wires placed across your teeth. You may have even heard a friend complain about discomfort when they were wearing braces, or you just looked up information online that raised your concerns. We understand what it is like to face a big decision about how to care for your teeth when you dislike discomfort so we wrote this article to answer your question – Do lingual braces cause pain? Let’s get cracking.

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supreman toy

9 Orthodontic Issues | Can Invisalign Fix them? (Fast Facts)

Orthodontic issues? Is Invisalign limited in superpowers? You may have heard of Invisalign braces, but you may not know the benefits and drawbacks of having them installed. The truth is, while clear molds are a popular option amongst many, there are some aspects of wearing clear molds you may need to talk with an orthodontist about before making the decision of whether or not it’s the right option for you.

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My Child’s Permanent Teeth Aren’t Coming in | 6 EPIC FACTS

Losing a tooth is a sign that your child is growing and developing properly. A child’s permanent teeth usually appear as quickly as a week or take up to six months to come in. However, if it seems like your child’s tooth is taking an especially long time to appear, and the maximum amount of time has passed, it may be time to pay your pediatric orthodontist a visit. In this post, we’ll show you all about why your child’s permanent teeth aren’t coming in.

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Fruit Candies

Effects of Sugary Snacks on Teeth | 2020 NEW FACT LIST

Effects of sugary snacks on teeth. We all enjoy a sugary snack now and then; sugary snacks taste good and give us a lift. However, there are some real effects that come from eating too many sugary snacks, especially when it comes to our oral health. Keep in mind; our teeth are covered in enamel. Some are not aware that enamel is not strong; it is a very thin protective coating. In this post we’ll show the effects of sugary snacks on teeth. Let’s get stuck in.

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You might notice a clean scent in the office as a by product of the ionization

New Ionization Unit on HVAC to Neutralize all Virus Particles

Dr. Panucci invested in an ionization unit to the office HVAC to keep all patients and employees safer. You might notice a clean scent in the office as a by-product of the ionization. This unit runs 24/7 to destroy the virus particles in the air and on surfaces.

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pretty lady

6 Month Orthodontic Treatment | AMAZING NEW FACTS | 2020

6 month orthodontic treatment. You are ready to seek treatment to improve your smile. It is the only thing that is going to address issues with teeth that are not straight. You are probably dealing with a combination of crowding and issues with your bite. It doesn’t matter how well you take care of your teeth. It doesn’t matter how hard you wish your teeth would straighten out. Your regular dentist can’t fix this problem but can help you to take care of your teeth. In this post, we’ll show you how to boss 6 month orthodontic treatment. Let’s get cracking.

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Self-Confidence & Straight Teeth with Invisalign in 2020 | FAST FACTS

While traditional metal braces are still available, the invention of clear plastic aligners has changed how your orthodontist treats common problems with your smile that destroy your confidence. In fact, you may have even put off getting braces in the past if you were worried about how you would look with a mouth full of shiny metal brackets and wires. Naturally, you have a lot of questions about Invisalign. As you explore your orthodontic treatment options, you can read on. In this post, we’ll show you how to get self-confidence & straight teeth with Invisalign in 2020. Let’s get going.

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