
Hello Manhattan Beach!

Welcome to the new look website and of Beach Braces

Jude R gives Beach Braces a big thumbs up!This is our first post and will be the start of our new Beach Braces blog. Here you’ll find all the latest news and views from Dr. Panucci and the Beach Braces team including our latest patient photographs, videos, competitions and newsletters.

Our old blog will now be archived but you can still view historic posts by clicking here.

Take a look round our new Beach Braces site, we have lots of surprises in store for you including:

  • A New Beach Braces Rewards Hub – this replaces our old Sand Dollars Rewards
  • A New Games Page – let us know which ones you like to play
  • Our Video Gallery – all our Youtube videos in one place to you can easily watch and learn all about your orthodontic experience at Beach Braces
  • Our Before & After Photo Gallery – real Beach Braces patients before and after their orthodontic treatment
  • Our Fun Photos – fun stuff from our office

And so much more. Please let us know what you like the most.

Beach Braces Go Social!

Our new Beach Braces website is now also ‘social friendly’ so you can now share the things you love easily with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. We also recommend ‘checking in’ with Facebook Places or Foursquare directly from your cell phone every time you visit our office. Who knows, you could soon be the Mayor of Beach Braces!

We really appreciate your feedback and look forward to seeing you at your next appointment… because everyone should love to smile!

Patricia J. Panucci DmD, MS • Specialist in Orthodontics For Children and Adults in California

1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Phone: (310) 379-0006 • Fax: (310) 379-7051

Beach Braces

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