Halloween Candy Buy Back
This October we will be supporting Operation Gratitude and inviting all our patients and families to participate in our Halloween Candy Buy Back program. Last year we had an overwhelming response and raised an incredible 265 lbs of candy for our troops.
This year, we will also be buying back Halloween candy from our patients (especially the hard, sticky, chewy and crunchy stuff that breaks off the brackets) and donating it to our troops posted overseas.
For every pound of candy that you bring in to the office between November 1st and November 9th and you will receive 10 Beach Braces Rewards Points.
***Please Remember to Separate your Candy by Chocolate and Non Chocolate***
What is Operation Gratitude?
Operation Gratitude is a non-profit organization that is ran by volunteers. It sends out 100,000 care packages every year. These packages contain entertainment items, snacks, and personalized letters of appreciation that are made out to individual US Service Members who are deployed into hostile territory, to their own children who have remained behind, and to soldiers that have been wounded and are recuperating.
The mission of Operation Gratitude is to lift the moral of the men and women who are serving, and to bring a smile to their faces, while showing them how much we appreciate what they do. Each of the packages distributed contains products that have been donated with a value of $125 but a cost of only $15 to the Operation Gratitude organization for the assembling of the packages and the shipping of them. The program has been up and running since 2003, and Operation Gratitude has shipped over 800,000 packages to the US military members.
The founder of Operation Gratitude is Carolyn Blashek. After the terrorist attacks in 2001, Blashek felt there was a need to assist with the war on terrorism. She started the organization from her home in California. Today the charity includes schools, churches, service groups, and numerous businesses around America, who donate items and write letters that are distributed to service men and women.
Operation Gratitude Mission Statement
Currently there are tens of thousands of US men and women deployed into hostile territory and on missions in remote areas around the world. This includes Afghanistan, the Middle East, and ships throughout the international waters. The must endure physical conditions that are difficult and they can be separated from their loved ones for extended periods of time.
The goal of Operation Gratitude focuses on lifting the morale of Airmen, Soldiers, Marines, and Sailors who are deployed putting smiles on their faces when these care packages arrive.
Care Packages for the Wounded Warriors
Operation Gratitude is focused on working with many different groups and with Military hospital representatives and Wounded Warrior Transition Units, so that care packages can be given to the wounded vets so they are aware that they won’t ever be forgotten.
When a warrior is injured initially they are far more concerned about their comrades well-being who are still on the front-lines, which is also why we offer the service that ensure care packages can be sent out to the buddies of the wounded warriors.
The Battalion Buddy Program
The Battalion Buddy Program works in cooperation with battalion leaders and Family Readiness Officers from across the United States. Operation Gratitude provides Battalion Buddies, which are special stuffed toys, to the children of the US military personal when they are getting ready to deploy.
The Battalion Buddy Care Package contains snacks, special items, along with a cuddly stuffed animal. It is given at deployment time providing the children with something to hug as their Mom or Dad leaves.
Who the Operation Gratitude Serves
Each year Operation Gratitude will send out at least 100,000 care packages to the Wounded Warriors and other men and women who are deployed through the various military branches. These care packages are shared with their comrades and Operation Gratitude clearly has a positive impact on the men and women who serve America.
Support Halloween Candy Buy Back
Show your support by giving a ‘Like’ to the Halloween Candy Buy Back page and for the Operation Gratitude facebook page. With your help we would like to give even more candy to our troops in 2012. Lets see if we can reach 300lbs of candy in this years Halloween Candy Buy Back.
Can you resist the temptation of the yummy, delicious candy?
Beach Braces Suite B, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Manhattan Beach, CA. 90266
Tel: 310-379-0006
Halloween Candy Buy Back
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Twas the Night Before Christmas
’twas the night before Christmas and Beach Braces was dark.
Not an employee was working, not even Penny’s bark.
Patients are enjoying their holiday break, No school, no tests, no homework, Thank goodness sake
Shelley’s shopping, golfing, and enjoying red wine.
She deserves this long break for a little down time.
Mary’s celebrating with her kids in El Segundo they are waiting for Santa’s visit, Ho, Ho, Ho!
Gloria’s cooking dinner for her three little ones.
Then they watch movies, read books and clip coupons.
Tami visits Disneyland with her energetic girl.
They sip cocoa, hug Mickey, and ride tea cups for a whirl.
Doc is working on long winter’s nap,
With Kamari & Penny snuggled in her lap.
Husband Charlie just celebrated his 40th birthday, by taking the dogs to the beach in his sandy “Chevrosleigh”
So what’s in store for Beach Braces in 2013?
Look out for some new additions in technology and team.
The iTero scanner is the newest machine.
It takes “goop less” impressions so our patients stay clean.
Scans a 3D picture of your teeth to create Invisalign Trays
We will feature it at one of our upcoming “Invisalign Days”
Araceli and Norma are returning to Beach Braces for action!
For those who remember then, this brings much satisfaction.
With a fantastic year almost behind us, we thank everyone for their trust, support and kindness.
We wish everyone Happy Holidays with smiles on our faces.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Beach Braces

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051twas the night before christmas
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You Got to Smile to be Happy
You’ve Got to Smile to be H-A-Double-P-Y
Beach Braces Smile Quotes #2 “You’ve got to smile to be h-a-double-p-y” – Shirley Temple
Today’s smile quote comes from the child screen star and local legend (Santa Monica) Shirley Temple. Back in 1934 Shirley found international fame aged 5 in the film Bright Eyes. Other films such as Curly Top and Heidi followed throughout the 30’s.
After retiring from films Shirley Temple went on to do many things including taking the post of the United States Ambassador to Czechoslovakia. Today if you go to West Hollywood and look carefully you can see Shirley Temple’s hand and footprints at Grauman’s Chinese Theater.
Shirley Temple– You Gotta S-m-i-l-e To Be H-a-p-p-y
If you mist our smile quote #1 click here.
To schedule your complimentary orthodontic consultation click here.
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051You Got to Smile to be Happy
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Nicky’s Orthodontic Treatment Day 3
Nicky’s Orthodontic Treatment Day 3
On day 3 we find Nicky is feeling more comfortable wearing both her upper and lower braces. She is talking clearer and her inner cheeks are getting used to the braces too. You can watch Nicky’s vlog below:
Nicky’s Orthodontic Treatment Day 3 at Beach Braces T:310-379-0006
Click here to watch Nicky’s Day 2 vlog – Life With Braces – Wax.
Dr. Panucci and the Beach Braces team are specialists in orthodontics in Manhattan Beach, California. Click here to schedule your complimentary consultation.
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Phone: 310-379-0006
Nicky’s Orthodontic Treatment Day 3
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Holiday Opening Times
Holiday Opening Times
Across the holiday period of Christmas and New Years the Beach Braces office will be closed from:
Friday 21 December 2012 until Monday 6 January 2013
In case of an emergency appointment click here or here. Merry Christmas everyone!
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Phone: 310-379-0006 Fax: 310-379-7051 Skype: Beach bracesHoliday Opening Times
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Life With Braces – Wax
Life With Braces – Wax
On day 2 of Nicky’s Life with Braces orthodontic experience she feels a little discomfort in her cheeks. Not seen Day 1 yet? Just click here.
Upper and Lower Braces Treatment – Day 2
Do Braces Hurt?
After squeezing out a small amount of wax from two tubes she mixes it together so the two compounds react and starts to set. She then stuck it on to the wire or bracket that was causing the slight discomfort and within a couple of minutes it sets leaving her mouth irritation free.
Patricia J. Panucci DMD, MS • Specialist in Orthodontics For Children and Adults in Southern California
1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Suite B • Manhattan Beach, CA 90266Phone: (310) 379-0006 • Fax: (310) 379-7051
Life With Braces – Wax
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Life With Braces – Oral Hygiene
Life With Braces – Oral Hygiene
Oral Hygiene is very important to your overall health and especially for your gums, teeth and mouth while wearing braces.
In the second of her video series, Nicky S demonstrates the cool tools and applications she was supplied with by Beach Braces to ensure her oral hygiene stays a top priority while undergoing her orthodontic experience.
Nicky S. Life with Braces – Oral Hygiene
Oral Hygiene Working Through the Night
Nicky also uses a mouthwash every day before sleeping. This mouthwash keeps working throughout the night and keeps her oral hygiene fresh. Nicky’s favorite flavor is… bubble gum! Yummy!!
We have a collection of Patient Care Videos to help you keep your oral hygiene at it’s best. To view videos about brushing with an interdental brush, flossing and many more ways of taking care of your life with braces click here.
Dr. Panucci of Beach Braces is a Specialist in Orthodontics for Children and Adults in Southern California, covering Manhattan Beach, El Segundo, Hermosa Beach and the South Bay area. Contact Beach Braces here.
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266Phone: (310) 379-0006
Life With Braces – Oral Hygiene
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Upper and Lower Braces Treatment
Upper and Lower Braces Treatment
Here’s Nikky’s first in a series of videos we will post on our blog over the coming weeks and months.
Beach Braces – Upper and Lower Braces Procedure with Nicky S #1
If you have any questions for Dr. Panucci or wish to schedule your free consultation, click here.
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Phone: 310-379-0006 Fax: 310-379-7051 Skype: Beach bracesUpper and Lower Braces Treatment
[super-post id=”sp554d893d47093″ title=”Related Posts” items=”5″ show_title=”true” title_length=”0″ title_ellipsis=”…” show_thumbnail=”true” remove_no_thumbnail=”false” icon_height=”40″ icon_width=”40″ icon_empty=”3612″ show_comments=”true” comment_icon=”https://www.beachbraces.org/wp-content/plugins/super-post/images/comments.png” show_date=”true” show_date_link=”true” date_icon=”https://www.beachbraces.org/wp-content/plugins/super-post/images/date.png” date_format=”F j, Y” show_author=”false” author_title=”View all posts by {author}” author_icon=”https://www.beachbraces.org/wp-content/plugins/super-post/images/author.png” show_category=”false” first_category=”true” category_separator=”, ” category_icon=”https://www.beachbraces.org/wp-content/plugins/super-post/images/category.png” offset=”0″ page_range=”5″ load_text=”Load more posts” query=”related” order=”DESC” post_status=”publish” title_trim=”words” load_style=”none” template=”left”]
Halloween Candy Buy Back
Halloween Candy Buy Back
This October we will be supporting Operation Gratitude and inviting all our patients and families to participate in our Halloween Candy Buy Back program. Last year we had an overwhelming response and raised an incredible 265 lbs of candy for our troops.
This year, we will also be buying back Halloween candy from our patients (especially the hard, sticky, chewy and crunchy stuff that breaks off the brackets) and donating it to our troops posted overseas.
For every pound of candy that you bring in to the office between November 1st and November 9th and you will receive 10 Beach Braces Rewards Points.
***Please Remember to Separate your Candy by Chocolate and Non Chocolate***
This Halloween Beach Braces Wants Your Candy!
What is Operation Gratitude?
Operation Gratitude is a non-profit organization that is ran by volunteers. It sends out 100,000 care packages every year. These packages contain entertainment items, snacks, and personalized letters of appreciation that are made out to individual US Service Members who are deployed into hostile territory, to their own children who have remained behind, and to soldiers that have been wounded and are recuperating.
The mission of Operation Gratitude is to lift the moral of the men and women who are serving, and to bring a smile to their faces, while showing them how much we appreciate what they do. Each of the packages distributed contains products that have been donated with a value of $125 but a cost of only $15 to the Operation Gratitude organization for the assembling of the packages and the shipping of them. The program has been up and running since 2003, and Operation Gratitude has shipped over 800,000 packages to the US military members.
The founder of Operation Gratitude is Carolyn Blashek. After the terrorist attacks in 2001, Blashek felt there was a need to assist with the war on terrorism. She started the organization from her home in California. Today the charity includes schools, churches, service groups, and numerous businesses around America, who donate items and write letters that are distributed to service men and women.
Operation Gratitude Halloween Candy Give-Back 2011
Operation Gratitude Mission Statement
The goal of Operation Gratitude focuses on lifting the morale of Airmen, Soldiers, Marines, and Sailors who are deployed putting smiles on their faces when these care packages arrive.
Care Packages for the Wounded Warriors
Operation Gratitude is focused on working with many different groups and with Military hospital representatives and Wounded Warrior Transition Units, so that care packages can be given to the wounded vets so they are aware that they won’t ever be forgotten.
When a warrior is injured initially they are far more concerned about their comrades well-being who are still on the front-lines, which is also why we offer the service that ensure care packages can be sent out to the buddies of the wounded warriors.
The Battalion Buddy Program
The Battalion Buddy Program works in cooperation with battalion leaders and Family Readiness Officers from across the United States. Operation Gratitude provides Battalion Buddies, which are special stuffed toys, to the children of the US military personal when they are getting ready to deploy.
The Battalion Buddy Care Package contains snacks, special items, along with a cuddly stuffed animal. It is given at deployment time providing the children with something to hug as their Mom or Dad leaves.
Who the Operation Gratitude Serves
Each year Operation Gratitude will send out at least 100,000 care packages to the Wounded Warriors and other men and women who are deployed through the various military branches. These care packages are shared with their comrades and Operation Gratitude clearly has a positive impact on the men and women who serve America.
Support Halloween Candy Buy Back
Show your support by giving a ‘Like’ to the Halloween Candy Buy Back page and for the Operation Gratitude facebook page. With your help we would like to give even more candy to our troops in 2012. Lets see if we can reach 300lbs of candy in this years Halloween Candy Buy Back.
Can you resist the temptation of the yummy, delicious candy?
Beach Braces Suite B, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Manhattan Beach, CA. 90266 Tel: 310-379-0006Halloween Candy Buy Back
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Patient Appreciation Party!!
Patient Appreciation Party!!
Back in August Dr. Panucci and The Beach Braces Team threw their annual Patient Appreciation Party downstairs in the parking lot of Beach Braces office.
The evenings food and entertainment was provided by the In-N-Out Truck, DJ’s spinning tunes and The Doc in the Dunk Tank. While having fun and raising money for local charities, party goers got the chance to Dunk the Doc!
It was a wonderful event and it was great to see so many beautiful smiles.
Patient Appreciation Party Photo Gallery
And in case you didn’t see The Doc getting dunked, here’s the video again!
Dunk The Doc GoPro WEB – Manhattan Beach CA.
Click here to see more photos or click here to contact Beach Braces.
Beach Braces – Orthodontic Specialists in Manhattan Beach, serving the local communities of:
Hermosa, El Segundo, Redondo Beach and the South Bay Area.
1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Manhattan Beach, 90266 CA. Tel: 310-379-0006Patient Appreciation Party
[super-post id=”sp554d8ccbd0ee0″ title=”Related Posts” items=”5″ show_title=”true” title_length=”0″ title_ellipsis=”…” show_thumbnail=”true” remove_no_thumbnail=”false” icon_height=”40″ icon_width=”40″ icon_empty=”3612″ show_comments=”true” comment_icon=”https://www.beachbraces.org/wp-content/plugins/super-post/images/comments.png” show_date=”true” show_date_link=”true” date_icon=”https://www.beachbraces.org/wp-content/plugins/super-post/images/date.png” date_format=”F j, Y” show_author=”false” author_title=”View all posts by {author}” author_icon=”https://www.beachbraces.org/wp-content/plugins/super-post/images/author.png” show_category=”false” first_category=”true” category_separator=”, ” category_icon=”https://www.beachbraces.org/wp-content/plugins/super-post/images/category.png” offset=”0″ page_range=”5″ load_text=”Load more posts” query=”related” order=”DESC” post_status=”publish” title_trim=”words” load_style=”none” template=”left”]
Get Your Beach Braces Car Magnet
Get Your BB on!
Come By to Pick up a Beach Braces (BB) Car Magnet!
Put your BB Magnet on your car, your Parent’s cars or even your Grandma’s Car –
If you find us around town (Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, El Segundo etc), show us any of your
You’ll be entered into a drawing for
(For a Family member or Friend)
If the Beach Braces Team sees your car parked with the BB Magnet- They will leave you a note to call us! When we find out who we BB’d- we will add 50 Rewards points to your card, and you’ll be entered into the drawing for Free Braces!
Drawing will be on August 1, 2013
*Must be Beach Braces Patient to Win Free Braces-
Can be used as a gift*
Patricia J. Panucci DMD, MSBeach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Suite B. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Phone: (310)379-0006 or Click here
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