“Most Smiles are Started by Another Smile”

Beach Braces Smile Quote #10 “Most Smiles are Started by Another Smile”
Here is a test for you. Go to Google.com, click images, and then type smile in the search bar. Look at the first 100 images. Naturally after seeing so many smiles, one cannot help but smile themselves. Let’s face it smiling is contagious. Now just start smiling at someone.
See their reaction? They are either going to immediately start smiling back, or they are going to ask what is wrong with you while they are smiling.
Just a small little gesture can affect so many people. There are some that choose not to smile because they think their teeth are not beautiful enough for a smile. With corrective braces and other orthodontic options, you too can have a beautiful smile to share with others.
There was a girl who would smile in all her school pictures up until the time that she was in the third grade and other people started making fun of her. From then on she wouldn’t smile for pictures and if she would smile in person, she would just put her hand in front of her mouth. Her parents took her to an orthodontist for a consultation.
In about 2 weeks she had a mouth full of metal and hopes of one day having a smile that she could be proud of. A couple years later she was able to take the braces off. The first time that she saw her smile, she couldn’t believe that it was hers. Now in every picture that you see of her she has her teeth showing and is very happy.
In fact, she smiles all the time. If you are like this girl, why not give Beach Braces a chance and schedule a consultation. You too can have the smile of your dreams and share happiness with a smile with the world.
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051
The Smile Wheel
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Smile that Stress Away
“Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it”
Beach Braces Smile Quote #12 “Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it”
Have you ever looked in the mirror when you were smiling? If you haven’t recently go over to the mirror and start smiling at yourself. Notice how happy you look? Now, most of the time after I do this I end up making myself chuckle and then realize how silly I am being.
In that moment I am filled with happiness and all the stress that I have been dealing with has gone away. A smile is something magical that can turn our worries away. Why do we not smile more often? It has also been said that laughter is the best medicine.
There are whole groups of people that meet together on a regular basis and have laughing times with each other. They sit in a circle and use all of their energy to laugh. When you laugh you always feel good, right? So why not share this happiness with others? Some think that their smile isn’t good enough to share with the world. They think that because they have a couple extra teeth or because their teeth are crooked they don’t need to smile anymore.
With the discovery of orthodontics over 100 years ago, we have the technology to straighten teeth for a more comfortable smile that you can call your own and share with the world. Beach Braces wants to bring you to the point where you can be happy with your smile. In a short amount of time you can have the smile that you have always wanted.
Call for a consultation today!
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051
Smile that Stress Away
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Stay Beautiful
“I’ve Never Seen a Smiling Face That Was Not Beautiful”
Beach Braces Smile Quote #11 “I’ve Never Seen a Smiling Face That Was Not Beautiful”
When you are unhappy the first thing that starts to happen is that your face turns sour and your eyes begin to cross and you clench your fists, right? When you are happy your face can brighten up a room. The corners of your mouth will begin to raise and in some instances you will show your teeth for a full and beautiful smile! Scientists have proven that smiling causes happiness.
Take a look in the mirror. Sound out the vowel e and notice how the corners of your mouth extend like they would when you are smiling. Now think of something that is guaranteed to make you happy. Your mouth stays the same. Next sound out the vowel u. Notice how your mouth draws inward. Your eyebrows may drop a little. This action by the face is also seen when we are upset. Try to be happy and smile while you are sounding out the u. Impossible isn’t it? Every time that you go to think of a happy thought and smile, it causes your mouth to expand out, making you stop with the u and go to the e expression.
This also works in real life situations. When you are happy and something makes you mad, it is very hard to keep smiling. Instead we should think of it as the opposite. When we are mad we should think of things that make us happy.
Then it is guaranteed that we would not be able to keep that frown on our face and bring happiness into our lives. Next time you find yourself in a situation where you want to frown or you are upset, think of something funny or a happy memory and let yourself smile. It will begin to melt your stress away!
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051
Stay Beautiful
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The Smile Wheel
“Most Smiles are Started by Another Smile”
Beach Braces Smile Quote #10 “Most Smiles are Started by Another Smile”
Here is a test for you. Go to Google.com, click images, and then type smile in the search bar. Look at the first 100 images. Naturally after seeing so many smiles, one cannot help but smile themselves. Let’s face it smiling is contagious. Now just start smiling at someone.
See their reaction? They are either going to immediately start smiling back, or they are going to ask what is wrong with you while they are smiling.
Just a small little gesture can affect so many people. There are some that choose not to smile because they think their teeth are not beautiful enough for a smile. With corrective braces and other orthodontic options, you too can have a beautiful smile to share with others.
There was a girl who would smile in all her school pictures up until the time that she was in the third grade and other people started making fun of her. From then on she wouldn’t smile for pictures and if she would smile in person, she would just put her hand in front of her mouth. Her parents took her to an orthodontist for a consultation.
In about 2 weeks she had a mouth full of metal and hopes of one day having a smile that she could be proud of. A couple years later she was able to take the braces off. The first time that she saw her smile, she couldn’t believe that it was hers. Now in every picture that you see of her she has her teeth showing and is very happy.
In fact, she smiles all the time. If you are like this girl, why not give Beach Braces a chance and schedule a consultation. You too can have the smile of your dreams and share happiness with a smile with the world.
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051
The Smile Wheel
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Have You Given a Gift Out Today?
“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing –Mother Theresa.”
Beach Braces Smile Quote #9 “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing –Mother Theresa.”
It is said that a smile counters negative thoughts and feelings. Try to think of something negative but put a really big smile on your face. Are you able to still think negative thoughts? Surprisingly people are finding that the more they smile, the happier they seem to be.
Why not share that smile with someone else? They will be caught up in your smile and they will begin to smile, getting rid of negativity one smile at a time. Beach Braces strives to give you the smile that you have always wanted so you will have the chance to share your smile with others. Crooked teeth can create stress on other teeth and jaws.
This type of misalignment can affect your bite and overall your beautiful smile. There are different options available for orthodontic correction. Invisalign is a clear method that straightens your teeth without the use of wires, brackets, or rubber bands. Many have preferred this method because it is clear and straightens their teeth without the bulky metal. Invisalign is customized to fit your teeth, providing maximum comfort, are clear for confidence, and are super effective. Another added benefit is that they are clear! About every two weeks you will get another aligner if you choose this option.
Each week your teeth will gradually be getting better. You can remove the aligners while you eat or even when you floss and brush your teeth. Invisalign not only give you a better smile, but help you on your way to becoming a better you. Get in touch with Beach Braces today for a consultation!
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051
Have You Given a Gift Out Today?
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Can you Measure a Smile ?
“All the Statistics in The World Can’t measure the Warmth of a Smile”
Beach Braces Smile Quote #8 “All the Statistics in The World Can’t measure the Warmth of a Smile”
Have you ever thought of measuring a smile? Most scientists invest in various studies regarding smiles, how much people mean it, and how different smiles can be distinguished. Advanced studies even have patterns to determine if your smile is fake or real. These studies based their results on facial muscles they identified to be responsible when a person is smiling.
However, no matter how much studies were conducted, how many factors were considered, and how much results are shown, the question of measuring a smile is still a debatable topic.
So, can you really measure smile? How much joy does it give to other people? In what angle or amount of mouth opening is to be considered as the best smile? How much pain can certain smiles eliminate? How long must someone smile in order to lessen negative feelings? All these questions together with some thousand questions about smiles are yet to be answered and remain a mystery to be unfolded.
With the kind of technology that we have today, indeed experts can measure certain factors of smiles but no one can still decipher smile itself.
No matter how many studies are being conducted, in the end, it doesn’t really matter anyways as all the statistics in the world can’t measure the warmth of a smile. After all, not everything in this world can be measured and that includes smile.
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051
Can you Measure a Smile ?
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Positive Hitchhiking
“If I saw you hitchhiking, I’d smile and return your thumb’s up, just for you doing such a great job of being a positive roadside influence ”
Beach Braces Smile Quote #5
While we would never advocate that you hitchhike in this day and age, or even replicate the thumbs up and smile to a tired hitchhiker loosing the will to live by the roadside (especially if there is a stop sign or traffic lights ahead) we thought Jarod Kintz’s quote was quite unique.
Jarod Kintz is a self professed writer of randomness, after being rejected from two leading universities creative writing programs, he has embarked on fulfilling his career as a full time author. Some of his latest publications have included; Emails from a Madman, I want and It Occurred to me.
If the above quote didn’t make you smile we at least hope it made you laugh, I only wish we had the hitchhikers reply, although it would probably be too crude to publish :)
Have a great Monday California!
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051
Positive Hitchhiking
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Smile the Grouch Away
“If You Want to Spoil the Day of a Grouch, Give him a Smile”
Beach Braces Smile Quote #4
I know it’s hard, but it’s often the best way to not only ruin a grouches day but to boost your own, as the simple act of smiling reduces stress and releases mood enhancing endorphins. It’s still a mystery why humans are the only species that laugh, but I think I can safely say that in doing so you definitely feel better.
The first iconic smiley face was drawn in 1963 by American commercial artist Harvey Ball in under ten minutes and went on to sell for $45 to an insurance company who wanted to roll out a mood enhancing marketing campaign. If you’re curious how far away you can use your new found anti grouch super powers from, the answer is 33 feet.
So next time that grouch tries to ruin your day smile them into mercy. :)
If you want to create the perfect smile but are not keen on traditional braces, why not see if you are a eligible for clear braces, namely Invisalign, if you have any further question please contact us using the details below.
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051
If You Want to Spoil the Day of a Grouch, Give him a Smile
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Where in The World is Dr. P?
Dr. Panucci loves her job as an Orthodontist, but she also loves to travel!!!
Now it’s your chance to take “Dr. P” traveling with you!!
Take a photo with “Dr.P” wherever you go & post it on any of Beach Braces social networks or email us the photo:
3 random drawings this year for an iPAD mini!!!
(April 30th, Aug 30th & December 19th)
Participating Prize: 20 BB rewards points per patient
(1 entry per trimester)
Contest Ends on December 19th, 2013
Pick up your traveling “Dr.P” from the Beach Braces office or download it by clicking on this link: >>> DrPanucciNew.jpg <<<
Where In The World Is Dr. P?
Where is Dr. P Promotion Terms & Conditions
This is the chance for patients of all ages to use their creativity! If you are going on vacation, a baseball game, a hockey game, an art show, field trip or simply working on a school project, take “Dr. P” with you and capture that special moment!! Patients under 18, please make sure you have your parent’s permission before entering this contest.
Terms & Conditions:
Photo Requirements:
How to Enter
As we receive photo entries through different social networks, we will be posting them on facebook for everyone can see! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!
Please call Beach Braces at 3103790006 for more information or email us here.
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Where in The World is Dr. P?
Keep Smiling
A Smile is an Inexpensive Way to Change Your Looks
Beach Braces Smile Quote #3
It’s often said when you smile everyone smiles with you, this is so true. It’s amazing what a difference a smile can make when you walk into a room full of new people, or when you’re simply passing someone in the street. Smiling automatically puts everyone at ease and often leads to further social interaction.
Let’s face it being smiled at makes you feel good, so next time when you see someone feeling a bit flat, and give them a big smile! It’s free and effortless.
Did you ever stop to think smiling is one of the few universal signs that everyone can understand and appreciate. If you thought it was a nod or shake of the head, think again! In Bulgaria and India theses actions have a completely different meaning.
Who smiles the most ?
Thailand dubbed “Smileland” by many probably do it the best and for good reason, numerous research projects have proven that smiling actually reduces stress and boosts the immune system.
Smiles can vary we have the classic “obligatory smile” well he/she smiled at me I better smile back, then we have the “false smile” hmmm never goes down well and there easily detected. Finally we have the “genuine smile” which is a complete crowd pleaser.
So why don’t people smile more? Sadly a large percentage of people don’t feel comfortable with either the colour of alignment of their teeth. Don’t live life not smiling Dr. Panucci at Beach Braces based in Manhattan Beach offers a wide range of treatments for both children and adults. If you are concerned that you may be a bit mature for the “braces look” you can read here about Invisalign here.
Keep smiling people!!
Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL:A Smile is an Inexpensive Way to Change Your Looks
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Family & Friends Invisalign Day
Family & Friends Invisalign Day
(New Invisalign Patients only)
Friday, February 1st 9:00 am- 1:00pm
Dr. Patricia Panucci will be providing FREE consultations to answer your questions about Invisalign treatment, the clear way to straighten teeth. If you have wondered if Invisalign is right for you, make an appointment for this special event.
Space is limited to the first 10 consultations
*New Exclusive Impressionless Technology with the iTero scanner (no more goop!)
Beach Braces Invisalign Platinum Provider – Manhattan Beach CA
*Complimentary whitening with Invisalign treatment
*Down payment matching with dollar value up to $500
OR One time 10% Paid-In-Full courtesy
Call today to schedule your Invisalign Consultation click here or
Tel: (310)379-0006

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266Family & Friends Invisalign Day
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